The rich and culturally diverse archaeological heritage of the Danube region is the only remnant of the millennia of our society’s development and a carrier of important information about our past. Its huge potential for the development of tourism in the region is facing a major challenge, as it is not visible enough to be sustainably managed and used. By “visibility”, not only sheer physical presence of archaeological artefacts or reconstructions of sites is meant, but also the visibility of archaeology for the general public. New technologies enable us not only to visualise archaeological knowledge in completely new ways, but also to transfer it promptly and in attractive ways to the broader public.
Danube´s Archaeological eLandscapes project´s major goal is to make the archaeological heritage, especially archaeological landscapes of the Danube region, regionally, nationally and internationally more visible and thereby more attractive for its integration into sustainable cultural tourism. The backbone of this task are the major museums of the region, setting their focus also beyond their own premises, i.e. in the most prominent archaeological landscapes of the Danube region. By involving state-of-the-art virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies the museums, which are visited by the mainstream of tourists, will encourage the visitors to experience the heritage in its original landscapes not only in their own country, but also in countries of other partners.
The project not only aims to support one of the largest networks of major institutions with archaeological collections and knowledge, but also focuses on a long-term cross-promotion campaign for archaeological cultural heritage in the region. The partnership will also continue the work of the RegioStars2018 finalist Iron-Age-Danube project by promoting the new Iron Age Danube route and creating new transnational archaeological routes as tools for preservation of this heritage.
Total project budget is 2,517,612.44 euro. European The project is co-funded by the European Union through ERDF for 2,118,635.56 euro and through IPA II for 21,335.00 euro.
01.07.2020. - 31.12.2022.
Main objective of the project is to ensure future oriented support for sustainable management and touristic use of archaeological heritage in the Danube region by encouraging coordinated involvement of major museums with important archaeological collections and archaeological research institutions, with a focus on digital visualisation in the presentation of archaeological landscapes.
Project goals will be achieved through the following project activities:
• visualization and promotion of archaeological landscapes as a whole, not only individual finds
• development of models for sustainable integration of new digital technologies of visualization, presentation and protection of archaeological heritage (AR and VR)
• development of a joint strategy and setting common standards for the integration of new digital technologies in museums and institutions dealing with cultural heritage in the Danube region
• joint presentations of digital archaeological landscapes (eLandscapes) and collective promotional campaigns of archaeological sites of the Danube region
• development of common digital norms, promotion activities and improvement of transnational cultural routes that will have a direct impact on the perception and importance of archaeological heritage from the general public, and will also benefit from long-term cooperation with project partners and other stakeholders from the Danube region.
The partnership of the Danube´s Archaeological eLandscapes project is built around a network of the biggest and oldest museums with archaeological collections in the programme area. They are institutions with a long tradition and huge competences in dealing with various issues concerning archaeological heritage. The museums are represented on three levels: the national museums of Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and Romania, the regional museum of Styria (Austria) and Rousse (Bulgaria) and the city museum of Vršac (Serbia), also responsible for the Banat region. This partnership involves further members with competences in different fields of archaeological heritage. Scientific support for the project partnership comes from the University of Vienna, with one of the leading research institutions for landscape archaeology, and the Technical University of Kosice. The heritage protection institutions of Baden-Württemberg (Germany), Slovenia (IPCHS) and Austria (BDA) cover monument protection issues. The participating ASPs have different roles and present a strong connection of the partnership to the regions with a considerable archaeological potential and fostering their inclusion into the Danube´s archaeological routes network. Additional ASPs cover specific tasks in the field of technical development, tourism and policymaking.
ERDF LP Universalmuseum Joanneum (AT)
ERDF PP 1 Universität Wien/ University of Vienna (AT)
ERDF PP 2 Narodni muzej Slovenije/ National Museum of Slovenia (SI)
ERDF PP 3 Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije/ Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (SI)
ERDF PP 4 Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum/ Hungarian National Museum (HU)
ERDF PP 5 Muzeul National de Istorie a Romaniei/ National History Museum of Romania (RO)
ERDF PP 6 Národní muzeum/ National Museum (CZ)
ERDF PP 7 Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu/ Archaeological museum in Zagreb (HR)
ERDF PP 8 Landesamt für Denkmalpflege im Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart / State Office for Cultural Heritage Baden-Württemberg (DE)
ERDF PP 9 Регионален исторически музей – Русе/ Rousse Regional Museum of History (BG)
ERDF PP 10 Technická univerzita v Košicach/ Technical University of Kosice (SK)
IPA II PP 1 Gradski muzej Vršac/ City Museum Vršac (RS)
ASP 1 Federal Monuments Agency of Austria (AT)
ASP 2 Institute for Antropological Research, Zagreb (HR)
ASP 3 Donja Voća Municipality (HR)
ASP 4 Center for Prehistoric Research (HR)
ASP 5 Public Institute for the Management of Heritage and Tourism Pivka, Park of Military History (SI)
ASP 6 Council of village Nemesvámos (HU)
ASP 7 Local goverment of Vértesszőlős (HU)
ASP 8 Veszprem-Balaton 2023 Plc. (HU)
ASP 9 Center for Studies in Cultural Development (RS)
ASP 10 University of Graz - Centre for Information Modelling - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (AT)
ASP 11 Košice Self-governing Region (SK)