Exchange of Good Practices between Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe - ROUTES4ROUTES
In order to gain better insight weather the stakeholders would be inetrested in new some of the new approaches to presentation, preservation and the sustainable management of the Iron Age heritage in the Požega Valley that could be impemented in the future, as well as to discern the knoledge the stekholders have about the Iron Age heritage and their willingness to cooperate wwith the IADR in the future the online poll is going to be conducted.
We want to know your opinion!
Please participate in the poll HERE!
In the scope of the Hallstatt Days - an two-day popularizing and presenting Iron Age archaeological heritag of the site Kaptol, annually held every third weekend in June - a workshop was organized for the interested stakeholders of the Iron Age Danube Route. As the co-organizer of the event, the IADR wanted to present what was learned during IADR's team mobility in Spain and to test weather approaches in Iron Age heritage promotion and sustainable management used by the Prehistorc Rock Art Trails Route would yeald interest and were possible in the the Požega region. After the presentation was given the stakeholders, consisting of the municipal govenrment, tourst boards, SME's and the scientific community held a lively discussion on the subject.
During the mobility period the IADR team participated in the following activities:
- on May 21, 2024, the IADR team participated in get-thogether session and was introduced with
the hosts daily activites and programmes in their headquaters. Later the team were
presented presentation of the heritage in the Museum of Prehistory and
Archaeology of Cantabria.
- on May 22, 2024, the IADR team visited two heritage sites co-managed by the host
institution where we participated in the meeting about the sustainable ways of
hertiage management of endangered cave sites. The hosts presented their daily
work, particularly in respect of their involvement in managing archaeological
cultural heritage sites (Altamira and the Caves of Monte Castillo) in the area
and collaboration with important cultural heritage institutions (Altamira
- on May 23, 2024 we participated in the international seminar for host
organisation's partners and stakeholders named “Rock Art news in the framework
of the Southwest of Europe, Archaeology and speleology activities as boosters of
a new Tourism” (in the nearby village of Arredondo). The host presented us the
joint work with its partners from France, Spain and Portugal
- on May 24, 2024 The host presented us with the two new rock art destinations
(near the village of Arredondo) that are in process to be opened to the public
and we were acquainted with the process.
This landmark agreement, signalling a pivotal step towards future partnerships, was signed by the secretaries of the routes, Mr. Leoncio Carrascal Ruiz and Ms. Marta Rakvin. The signing ceremony occurred during the first day of the Arredondo Seminar, which was held with PRAT's stakeholders and partners, showcasing a successful model of cooperation.

Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type: Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education
Start of Project: 01/01/2023
End of Project: 30/06/2024
Project Duration (months): 18 months
Grant Agreement No.: 2022-2-HR01-KA122-ADU-000102810
Budget: 10.310,00 EUR
The project ROUTES4ROUTES will increase Iron Age Danube Route staff competencies in archaeological heritage
management through learning from already existing and tested good practices in the area of cultural route management.
The participants will become aware of various models and tools that can be used to better connect the route with the
communities archaeological heritage is located in, to make it more visible, and to find new approaches on how to serve as a
connecting platform between heritage experts and SME's and tourism workers in order to help develop new business ideas
or models for creating new cultural products, which would the overall increase the value of Iron Age archaeological heritage
in the Danube region and would result in measurable benefits to the local communities.
During ROUTES4ROUTES project activities, we plan to collaborate with colleges from hosting organizations in exchanging
expertise and good practices regarding archaeological heritage management and cultural routes management. We plan to
organize a practical combination of workshops, round tables and presentations with the host organization.
The project ROUTES4ROUTES will increase Iron Age Danube Route staff competencies in archaeological heritage
management through learning from already existing and tested good practices in the area of cultural route management.
The participants will become aware of various models and tools that can be used to better connect the route with the
communities archaeological heritage is located in, to make it more visible, and to find new approaches on how to serve as a
connecting platform between heritage experts and SME's and tourism workers in order to help develop new business ideas
or models for creating new cultural products, which would the overall increase the value of Iron Age archaeological heritage
in the Danube region and would result in measurable benefits to the local communities.
During ROUTES4ROUTES project activities, we plan to collaborate with colleges from hosting organizations in exchanging
expertise and good practices regarding archaeological heritage management and cultural routes management. We plan to
organize a practical combination of workshops, round tables and presentations with the host organization. Also, our
objective is to learn how to translate and adapt good practices of our host organizations to our circumstances.
Expected results:
Participants will learn how to find, asses and approach key stakeholders in different local communities located in the vicinity
of Iron Age archaeological heritage sites. They will learn how to determine their strengths and weaknesses and the
opportunities for possible green and sustainable development of new cultural products based on the Iron Age heritage in
each region. The participants will learn to communicate with their stakeholders about the possibilities Iron Age heritage in
their area has to offer. They will learn new approaches on how to offer assistance and scientific and other support during the
development and implementation phases and to act as the facilitators and connectors of various compatible stakeholders.
Mobility Prehistoric Rock Art Trails:
The Iron Age Danube Route (IADR) job shadowing activities were held in Santander, Spain from 20th -25th May. Hosted by the Prehistoric Rock Art Trails (PRAT), the program began with an introductory session that provided valuable insights into the daily operations, common challenges, and potential avenues for future collaboration.